The ‘strong and stable’ soundbite communicated by the Tory party during the UK general election…
PR Tip #8 – New Year, New Trends

PR tip #8
New year, new trends: how might communications change in 2016?
Communications technologies continue to advance at lightning speed as audiences change how, when and where they consume information.
Here are three developing trends to keep an eye on in 2016:
- Ad blocking apps made headlines in 2015, as Apple quietly introduced an ad blocking feature in Safari. Our ability to choose whether or not to view commercial messages is increasing, making relevant creative content more important than ever.
- As we pay less attention to paid-for adverts, we are focusing more on each other and to celebrity endorsement. Group thinking with our peers means influencing the influencers will be high on the agenda, especially on social platforms.
- The much-hyped Internet of Things gathers pace. 6.4 billion connected things will be in use worldwide in 2016. That’s 30 per cent more than in 2015. We will start to see mobile only brands in 2016 and the breadth of channels available to communicators will continue to expand.
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